Attila Gubacsi Ph.D – The Ultimate Truth

All is Energy. Man is an energy phenomenon. I am Who I Am.
I have gathered and continue to gather my knowledge, my life force, all that I am, have been from external energy sources and I will be in the timeless presence of the in the cycle and experience of Samsara (Saṃsāra – संसार).
Gratitude and acknowledgement are among of the greatest bundles of energy that can be returned.
I am grateful for the mirror of my duality-free consciousness, for the gift of awakening, of realizing that my Buddha nature is inherently my greatest treasure, like that of all humans on our Mother Planet. We are all One by our being different. This is the “Ultimate Truth” for me.

The Ultimate Truth is a simple manual for the warrior walking the inner path. It is a help for daily physical, mental, spiritual practice. A collection of brief but useful explanations for students and their teachers on the path of self-discovery. A true pocket map to help you elaborate a more precise route and reach your destination, the bumpy and labyrinthine path of self-knowledge – the DO, where the ultimate goal is to love yourself and know your immanently pure self.
This is the essence of Ultimate Truth.